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  Update Framework for Windows 7 SP1, Windows , Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Windows 10 Creators Update, Windows Server R2 SP1, Windows Server , Windows Server R2, and Windows Server - KB The runtime includes everything you need to run existing apps/programs built Framework. Framework Runtime. Developer Pack. Do you want to build apps? The developer pack is used by software developers to create applications that run Framework, typically using Visual Studio. Framework Microsoft Visual Download. on 23 votes. Microsoft Visual V is Microsoft’s multi-faceted development tool, targeting both Windows and Web applications. target the. NET Framework, a runtime enforces security. Framework applications perform.  

Microsoft .NET Framework - Download


Stats: 30, versions of 1, programs. Windows » Utilities ». Net Framework ». Net Framework 4. NET Framework 4 is highly compatible with applications that are built with earlier.

NET Framework versions, except for some changes that were made to improve security, standards compliance, correctness, reliability, and performance. NET Framework 4 does not automatically use its version of the common language runtime to run applications that are built with earlier versions of the. NET Framework. To run older applications with. NET Framework 4, you must compile your application with the target.

If your application or component does not work after. You can test compatibility as described in the. NET Framework 4 Walkthroughs. For additional information and known migration issues, visit the.

NET Framework Compatibility blog. The following sections describe deployment improvements. NET Framework 4 Client Profile supports more platforms than in previous versions and provides a fast deployment experience for your applications. Several new project templates now target the Client Profile by default. For more information, see. This feature enables an application to load and start multiple versions of the.

NET Framework in the same process. For example, you can run applications that load add-ins or components that are based on the. NET Framework 2. NET Framework 4 in the same process. Older components continue to use the older. NET Framework version, and new components use the new. NET Framework version. Back to top Core New Features and Improvements. The following sections describe new features and improvements provided by the common language runtime and the base class libraries.

Earlier versions of the. NET Framework provided no way to determine whether a particular application domain was affecting other application domains, because the operating system APIs and tools, such as the Windows Task Manager, were precise only to the process level.

Starting with the. NET Framework 4, you can get processor usage and memory usage estimates per application domain. You can monitor CPU and memory usage of individual application domains.

When this feature has been enabled, it collects statistics on all application domains in the process for the life of the process. See the new AppDomain. MonitoringIsEnabled property. You can now access the ETW events for diagnostic purposes to improve performance. NET Framework Logging. The System. HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute attribute enables managed code to handle exceptions that indicate corrupted process state.

NET Framework 4 provides background garbage collection. This feature replaces concurrent garbage collection in previous versions and provides better performance.

For more information, see Fundamentals of Garbage Collection. Code contracts let you specify contractual information that is not represented by a method's or type's signature alone. The new System. Contracts namespace contains classes that provide a language-neutral way to express coding assumptions in the form of preconditions, postconditions, and object invariants. The contracts improve testing with run-time checking, enable static contract verification, and support documentation generation.

For more information, see Code Contracts. In the. NET Framework 4, compilers can embed type information from interop assemblies, selecting only the types that an application for example, an add-in actually uses. Type safety is ensured by the common language runtime. The dynamic language runtime DLR is a new runtime environment that adds a set of services for dynamic languages to the CLR. The DLR makes it easier to develop dynamic languages to run on the. NET Framework and to add dynamic features to statically typed languages.

To support the DLR, the new System. Dynamic namespace is added to the. The expression trees are extended with new types that represent control flow, for example, System.

LoopExpression and System. In addition, several new classes that support the. NET Framework infrastructure are added to the System. CompilerServices namespace.

For more information, see Dynamic Language Runtime Overview. Several generic interfaces and delegates now support covariance and contravariance. For more information, see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics. BigInteger structure is an arbitrary-precision integer data type that supports all the standard integer operations, including bit manipulation. It can be used from any. NET Framework language. In addition, some of the new. Complex structure represents a complex number that supports arithmetic and trigonometric operations with complex numbers.

NET Framework 4 provides the System. Tuple class for creating tuple objects that contain structured data. It also provides generic tuple classes to support tuples that have from one to eight components that is, singletons through octuples.

To support tuple objects that have nine or more components, there is a generic tuple class with seven type parameters and an eighth parameter of any tuple type.

New file enumeration methods improve the performance of applications that access large file directories or that iterate through the lines in large files. For more information, see How to: Enumerate Directories and Files. NET Framework now supports memory-mapped files.

You can use memory-mapped files to edit very large files and to create shared memory for interprocess communication. You can identify bit operating systems and processes with the Environment. Is64BitOperatingSystem and Environment. Is64BitProcess properties. You can specify a bit or bit view of the registry with the Microsoft. RegistryView enumeration when you open base keys. The following list describes additional new capabilities, improvements, and conveniences.

Several of these are based on customer suggestions. NET Framework 4 that helps you build extensible and composable applications. MEF enables you to specify points where an application can be extended, to expose services to offer to other extensible applications and to create parts for consumption by extensible applications. It also enables easy discoverability of available parts based on metadata, without the need to load the assemblies for the parts.

For more information, see Managed Extensibility Framework. For a list of the MEF types, see the System. Composition namespace. Back to top. NET Framework 4 introduces a new programming model for writing multithreaded and asynchronous code that greatly simplifies the work of application and library developers.

The new model enables developers to write efficient, fine-grained, and scalable parallel code in a natural idiom without having to work directly with threads or the thread pool. Tasks namespace and other related types support this new model.

For more information, see Parallel Programming in the. NET provides new features for the Entity Framework, including persistence-ignorant objects, functions in LINQ queries, and customized object layer code generation. For ASP. NET 4, Dynamic Data has been enhanced to give you even more power for quickly building data-driven Web sites.



Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Standalone Installer) from Official Microsoft Download Center.

    Jul 18,  · Before trying to Framework , execute this command from an ELEVATED Command Prompt provided by Framework Team: "This issue is likely caused by a bad ACL on assembly\tmp folder. After installing updates, the ACL propagates to installed assembly folders in both & legacy GAC. Apr 12,  · The Framework 4 is a software component which you can add to the Microsoft Windows operating system. It provides a large body of pre-coded solutions to common program requirements, and manages the execution of programs written specifically for the framework. The Framework 4 focuses on the core pillars of developer. Microsoft Visual Download. on 23 votes. Microsoft Visual V is Microsoft’s multi-faceted development tool, targeting both Windows and Web applications. target the. NET Framework, a runtime enforces security. Framework applications perform.
